Domenico Fiorenza | What Is the Shape of Dante's Paradise?

30 November 2021, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
cycle of lectures organised in conjunction with Sapienza Università di Roma - Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali

Among the myriad wonders of the third cantica we may fail to pay a great deal of attention to the precise description of the geometry of Paradise, yet that description could not fail to strike the Divine Comedy's illustrators. What they could never have imagined, though, is that that shape is related to the spin of an electron.

DOMENICO FIORENZA is Lecturer in geometry, Department of Mathematics, Rome Sapienza University - Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences

Reservation for Sapienza students


Students from Rome's Sapienza University are required to reserve their place (40 places available for each lecture, admission free). Visitors to the exhibitions may also attend the lectures while places last. Broadcast in live streaming on this web page

Palazzo delle Esposizioni – Rotonda

via Nazionale 194, Roma

cycle of lectures organised in conjunction with Sapienza Università di Roma - Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali