Spot! 20 minutes in a work of art | NONE Collective

6 june
a guided interpretation of a work of art

NONE is an art collective based in Rome. Exploring the border area between art, design and technological research, it was founded by Gregorio de Luca Comandini, Mauro Pace and Saverio Villirillo. It creates works of art, interactive installations, innovative architecture, digital devices and immersive environments. It also builds experiences that probe the human dimension and machines that explore physical space, the unfolding of events and the subconscious. It develops transmedia projects that interpret the contemporary condition of the human being in the digital society.


The fee for taking part in the activity is included in the price of admission to the exhibition; participants must show up at least 15 minutes before the activity is scheduled to begin

Palazzo delle Esposizioni

via Nazionale 194

A guided interpretation of a work of art in the exhibition conducted by the artits and the curator