Mostre in mostra

May 30 > July 28, 2019

Contemporary Rome from the 1950s to the 2000s / 1


with a tribute to Sergio Pucci

curated by Daniela Lancioni

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Mostre in mostra 30 May__28 July 2019
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The rooms in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni's rotunda are hosting a replay of six exhibitions held in Rome between the 1950s and the 2000s together with a tribute to an art photographer.

The idea is to allow the visitor to stroll through the exhibition landscapes of a city capable of renewing its contemporary calling in a constantly changing pattern.


Titina Maselli, Galleria La Tartaruga 1955

Giulio Paolini, Galleria La Salita 1964

Fabro. Concetto spaziale d’après Watteau, 1967-71 / Corona di piombo, 1968-71 / L'Italia d'oro / Alluminio e seta naturale, 1971, "Informazioni sulla presenza Italiana", a restrospective curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Incontri Internazionali d'Arte 1971

Carlo Maria Mariani. La costellazione del Leone, Galleria Gian Enzo Sperone 1981

Jan Vercruysse, Tombeaux (Stanza), Galleria Pieroni 1990

Myriam Laplante. Elisir, a cura di Lorenzo Benedetti e di Teresa Macrì, Fondazione Volume! e The Gallery Apart, 2004


A Tribute to Sergio Pucci, a photographer who has devoted most of his career to photographing exhibitions.


The aim is to showcase the leading players, places and institutions that turned Rome, after World War II, into a vibrant centre of contemporary culture, repeating the initiative every year in the summer months by reviving different exhibitions.

Titina Maselli, Palazzone, 1952, olio su tavola, cm 71,5 x 99,5. Collezione Brai Maselli © Antonio Idini, Roma
This first edition kicks off with the powerful images of a city painted by Titina Maselli in New York and displayed by Plinio De Martiis and Ninnì Pirandello at La Tartaruga in 1955.

Giulio Paolini, Senza titolo, 1964, tavole di compensato, due elementi, cm 200 x 150, cm 102 x 102. Collezione privata, Milano © Roberto Marossi
Cooperation with the Fondazione Giulio e Anna Paolini and with major collections has also allowed us to revive the first one-man show ever staged by Giulio Paolini, held in La Salita, another of Rome's celebrated galleries, in 1964, and rekeyed by the artist himself for this event.

Luciano Fabro vista d’insieme della mostra agli Incontri Internazionali d’Arte, Roma 1971. © Massimo Piersanti, Roma

With the support of the Archivio Luciano e Carla Fabro, we have put together the impressive selection of works with which Luciano Fabro responded to Achille Bonito Oliva's invitation to show his work at the 7th Paris Biennale in 1971 – an exhibition repeated immediately afterwards in the first of the events promoted by the International Art Encounters in Rome's Palazzo Taverna.

Carlo Maria Mariani, La costellazione del Leone, 1981, olio su tela, cm 340 x 450. Roma, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea. Su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
With Carlo Maria Mariani's large painting, now in the Galleria Nazionale di Roma and originally shown by Gian Enzo Sperone in 1981, we discover a new way of approaching painting and history as we are encouraged to share in a kind of tribute to the artists, critics and gallery owners who played a leading role on the international scene at the time and are portrayed in the painting today.

A totally different sensitivity dominates the space dedicated to Jan Vercruysse and his Tombeaux, tombs guarding secret memories, first shown by Pieroni in 1990 and now displayed afresh with the cooperation of the Foundation named after the late artist.

Myriam Laplante's exhibition of 2004 entitled "Elixir", curated by Lorenzo Benedetti and Teresa Macrì, promoted by The Gallery Apart and the Fondazione Volume! and hosted by the Fondazione Volume!, winds up the tour with a full immersion in the ironic and captivating imagination of an artist at once fairylike and caustic.
Sergio Pucci, Carlo Maria Mariani nel suo studio
These exhibitions are flanked by a focus on the work of Sergio Pucci, a photographer who from the mid-1950s documented works of art at artists' studios or on display, working for friends and galleries (among others Ettore Colla, Leoncillo, Giulio Turcato, La Salita, Giuliana De Crescenzo, L'Oca, Mario Diacono).