Art in cards

Curated by Laboratorio d’arte del Palazzo delle Esposizioni
The product of a joint venture with Rome's Palazzo delle Esposizioni Educational Services, this special edition of "Cards on the Table" suggests twenty different experiments specially devised for children and teenagers and successfully implemented in the two exhibition spaces over the years. On the front of each card there is a photograph of a significant moment in the workshop suggested, while on the back you'll find instructions, tips, stimuli and a list of all the materials needed to organise the workshop. Each proposal urges you to explore a theme ranging from the body to the senses, feelings, nature, shapes and colours, to make discovering a fun experience by developing your artistic creativity. An exhaustive instruction sheet is attached to expand on the number of workshops proposed and to explore the suggested themes in greater depth.

Year of publication: 2016
Price € 9.90
Authors: Chiara Bandi, Elena Fierli, Giulia Franchi, Blume Gra, Giovanna Lancia, Francesca Romana Mastroianni, Laura Scarlata, Michela Tonelli, Antonella Veracchi
No. of pages: 20 plates + 1 explanation sheet
Published by: Fatatrac
Collection: Carte in tavola – Scoprire il mondo