Computer Art
curated by Paola Lagonigro


curated by Paola Lagonigro

The key player is the generation that began to experiment with digital technologies in the 1980s, using their personal computers. The videos show earlier and more recent results of research into computer art: the debate on the specific nature of the medium through recourse to the language of programming; insistence on the low-tech graphics of personal computers as a guarantee of a new aesthetic; the exploration of the relationship between images and sound; and the re-invention of painting practice through software.



Sala Cinema
admission via the steps in Via Milano 9a, Rome
Access to the Cinema theatre and the Auditorium is allowed only to subjects in possession of COVID-19 green certification obtained from completion of the vaccination cycle or from recovery (cd. Green Pass Rafforzato) and FFP2 mask.
Reservations can be made on from 9.00 am on the Monday preceding the screening right up to one hour before the screening is due to begin.
Programmes may vary. Any changes will be posted on the Palazzo delle Esposizioni’s website. If you have booked but are unable to come, please remember to cancel your reservation by going to your private area on the website, so that someone else can take your place.
Please make sure you get there 10 minutes before the screening is due to begin, otherwise your reservation will no longer be considered valid and your place will be given to the first person in the queue at the entrance.
Image: Crudelity Stoffe, Abol City. Courtesy Michele Böhm

Admission free while places last, reservation required
May 28 2022, 11:00 am and 4:00 pm