Accattone (The procurer) / The paper flower sequence

20 october
Admission free while places last - reservations are required

Accattone (The procurer)

directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Italy, 1961, 116 min.

Pasolini’s switch from writing to filmmaking began in a surprising manner, with characters so true and so epic that nothing quite like it had ever been seen on the screen before. In the furthest bidonvilles of Rome, amid thieves and pimps, we witness the rejection of all rules governing society by an underclass on whom the director confers a sacred, legendary aura, an emblem of those to whom all roads are barred save for standardisation. The director’s assistant was a young Bernardo Bertolucci: “It was moving to witness Pier Paolo’s creativity, I felt as though I was witnessing the very origins of the cinema".


followed by

The paper flower sequence

(episode from the film Love and Anger) directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Italy, 1969, 10 min.

Images of war and genocide are superimposed on Ninetto Davoli’s merry jaunt down Via Nazionale in Rome: unaware innocence is no longer acceptable, in fact it constitutes culpable responsibility.


ADMISSION FREE WHILE PLACES LAST – RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Reservations may be made on this website from 9.00 am on the day before the chosen performance until one hour before the performance is due to begin. If for any reason you are unable to come, please remember to cancel the reservation in your basket so that someone else can book the place you’re freeing up. Please show up at least 10 minutes before the performance starts, otherwise your reservation will no longer be considered valid and your place will be given to the first person waiting in line at the entrance.

Sala Cinema

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a

rassegna cinematografica a cura di Azienda Speciale Palaexpo e Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale