Judas was a woman

12 february
admission free

La bête humaine, France, 1938, 100 min., original version with Italian subtitles

directed by Jean Renoir, starring Jean Gabin, Fernand Ledoux and Simone Simon

The lovely Séverine starts an illicit love affair with a railwayman and tries to persuade him to kill her husband, who is blinded by jealousy. Based on a novel by Zola, this is one of Renoir's absolute masterpieces, a shocking reflection on the theme of guilt and the ineluctable nature of evil.


Admission free while places last. Seats assigned from one hour before the start of each screening. Reservations may be made by membership cardholders only. There will no further admission once the event has started.

Sala Cinema

Admission via steps in via Milano 9a