18 may

Digital technologies have transformed how we produce and consume stories. The World Press Photo Digital Storytelling Contest rewards those producing the best forms of visual journalism enabled by these changes. The contest is open to digital storytellers, visual journalists, producers, and entry coordinators, with submissions that include the work of a professional visual journalist. The contest consists of three categories that include photography and/or film in combination with (but not limited to) animation, graphics, illustrations, sound or text: interactive storytelling is an interactive visual story or project in a form other than video, which through its design creates an immersive and/or innovative experience for the user; Long form is a single linear narrative, or series of linear narratives, on a single topic, produced as a video for the web, and lasting no longer than 30 minutes in total; Short form is a single linear narrative, produced as a video for the web, lasting no longer than 10 minutes. The review shows on big screens the winner stories of the 2019 Long form and  Short form categories.

The Legacy of the ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy: Traumatized Children With No Access to Treatment
by Almudena Toral, US, Mexico, 2018, 9’ - Short, 1° prize & winner World Press Photo Online Video of the Year
Adayanci Pérez is one of more than 2,500 children who were separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border as part of Donald Trump’s 'Zero Tolerance' policy. This film shows the reality of the policy’s legacy, and gives a voice to those who are not always heard.
In the Absence
by Seung-Jun Yi, South Korea, Unites States, 2018, 28’ - Long 1° prize
In the Absence is an unflinching look at the Sewol ferry disaster in South Korea. 
I Just Simply Did What He Wanted
by Emilie Kassie, US, 2018, 9’ - Short, 2° prize
Maria and E.D. are among thousands of women who have reported sexual abuse while held in immigrant detention in the United States. 
di Matteo Delbò by Chiara Avesani, Iraq, 2018, 6’ - Short, 3° prize
A young journalist from Mosul returns to his war-devastated city in order to be a part of its future. 
by Finlay Young, Liberia, 2018, 29’ - Long, 2° prize
More Than Me, an American charity founded by Katie Meyler in the aftermath of the Second Liberian Civil War, set out to protect and empower girls through education. But, far from being protected, many of the girls in More Than Me’s care were made to endure the same abuses of power inflicted on them during the conflict, specifically sexual exploitation.
Marielle and Monica
by Fabio Erdos, Brazil, UK,  25’ - Long 3° prize

A personal story of loss, bringing into focus the challenges that lie ahead for LGBT rights and progressive politics in Brazil.


ENTRY RESERVED FOR VISITORS OF THE EXHIBITION UNTIL SEATS EXHAUST. Places will be assigned starting one hour before the start of each screening. Possibility to book reserved only for PdE card holders.

Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Sala Cinema

via Nazionale 194