On Screens. Homage to Fabio Mauri 1926-2009

presentation and workshop conducted by Claudio Cantelmi
Saturday 8 February 2014, at 4 pm
To tie in with its exhibition on The 'Seventies. Art in Rome, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni's Art Bookshop will be holding a workshop devoted to Claudio Cantelmi's book On Screens - Homage to Fabio Mauri 1926-2009.  This is a book but at the same time it is an objet d'art that leads us by the hand as we explore the work of Fabio Mauri and the world of the "artist's book".
Schermo-Disegno [Screen-Drawing] dated 1957 and Disegno schermo fine [End Screen Drawing] and Schermo con pubblico [Screen with Audience] dated 1962 are the works of Fabio Mauri that inspired this screenbook. With the words The End and Fine, the black stripe, the black screen with rounded corners and the black silhouettes of the audience silk-screend onto acetate silks and placed on each page, the "reader" can compose the works cited, but also dismantle them immediately afterwards, turning over the pages, composing new works and thus breathing life into books and works that are different on each occasion.  It is through the use of simple techniques and a multi-faceted, yet far from complicated, mechanism that we see opening up before us paths and solutions which are never the same twice.
The workshop is conducted by Claudio Cantelmi, a pupil and assistant of the artist Fabio Mauri, who now works with the Studio Fabio Mauri Associazione per l'Arte L'Esperimento del Mondo. It is designed for children aged 7 upwards (we recommend that children aged 7 and 8 are accompanied by an adult), for families, professionals and teachers, and in fact everyone who thinks that art and books always offer us an opportunity to look at the world through different eyes.
information and reservations
Saturday 8 February 2014, at 4 pm
Forum - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, via Milano 13, Rome
admission free while places lasts (max. 30 places)
reservations: scaffaledarte@palaexpo.it